Fractal Audio Fm3 vs Axe Fx3

Axe Fm3 – Axe Fx3 Comparison #fm3 #AxeFx3 #fractalaudio SUBSCRIBE 🤘… 🤘 In this video I am comparing Fractal Audio Fm3 with Axe Fx3. Fractal Audio Fm3 and Axe Fx3 are two of the best guitar amp modeller and effect processors of all time. I am comparing the sounds of two units, talking about processing power, amp modelling capacities, effects, studio and live gig situations… Fractal Audio Fm3 Review

Ozz’s Guitar Talk with Leon Todd

Ozz’s Guitar Talk with Leon Todd This is a new concept that we are making some guitar talks with some amazing people. My first guest is Leon Todd. That was nice an hour chat, we talked about Leon Todd’s career, daily life, sponsorships, Ragdoll band, music… Also, we played “Guess that tone” game with Fractal Audio Axe Fx 3, and I got some vibrato guitar lessons from Leon Todd. Türkçe

Axe Fx 3 Unboxing & Factory Presets

Axe Fx 3 Unboxing and first look at the Factory Presets. SUBSCRIBE 🤘… 🤘 I tried to make a quick video but the great tones pushed me to make a longer video. Fractal Audio Axe Fx 3 is one of the best guitar amp modeller and effect processors off all time. I used Axe Fx Ultra and AX8 and that’s why I bought Axe Fx 3 and great sound

Guitarist Home Studio Tour 2020 & Guitar Collection

  Guitarist Home Studio Tour 2020 & Guitar Collection SUBSCRIBE 🤘… 🤘 Hi guys, I usually work from my studio (Ozgur Studyo) But after corona, I moved to my home and created a humble home studio. This is a budget home studio that I even don’t use studio monitors but it has everything a guitarist needs. My guitarist home studio elements: Guitars: Ibanez RG 1527 Prestige, Suhr Modern

Axe Fx Ultra – Best “Budget” Amp Modeler in 2020?

  Axe Fx Ultra – Best Budget Amp Modeller in 2020? SUBSCRIBE 🤘… 🤘 I’ve been using Axe Fx Ultra for 7 years and I believe it’s still one of the best budget amp modeler and effects units in 2020. If you don’t have a budget for Axe Fx III, you can buy a used Axe Fx Ultra between 650 – 850$ and you will get high-quality sound. Skype