Jason Becker Serrana Arpeggios Cover (Advanced Sweep Picking)

  I’m a big fan of Jason! I started listening to him in 1999 sometimes he makes me cry, sometimes smile… This is a simple video that I tried to play Serrana Arpegious. Thank you Jason!!! Don’t forget to support Jason: http://jasonbeckerguitar.com/ https://www.facebook.com/jason.becker… https://www.facebook.com/jasonelibecker https://twitter.com/jasonelibecker S kype Guitar Lessons with Ozz http://ozzguitar.com/skypegu… If you wanna see more videos like that check out my Best Guitar Solos & Songs playlist :

Progressive Rock/Metal Guitar Solo II

  Ozgur Turkekul playing Disenchant – Externals Guitar Solo. SUBSCRIBE 🤘 https://www.youtube.com/arayadis?sub_… 🤘 I wrote this short solo in 2005 as a guitarist of Disenchant (Progressive Rock/Metal) band and you can find some example of tapping solo technique, bending technique , alternative picking… Guitar: Ibanez Prestige Rg 1527 7 String Electric Pre-Amp/Effects Processor: Axe Fx Ultra DAW: Cubase 5 Camera&Lens: Panasonic GH3 + Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-42mm Thanks to

Dream Theater – Metropolis Pt.1 (1st Unison Guitar Cover)

  This is just a quick video that I played Dream Theater – Metropolis, Pt. 1: The Miracle and The Sleeper 1st Unison.   SUBSCRIBE 🤘 https://www.youtube.com/arayadis?sub_… 🤘   Alternate picking test on Hantug Titania guitar (So easy 🙂 Guitar: Hantug Custom Guitars – Titania Pre-Amp/Effects Processor: Axe Fx Ultra Daw: Cubase 5 Camera&Lens: Panasonic GH3 + Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-42mm Join my Discord channel to interact more with

Megadeth – Tornado of Souls Solo Cover

  Megadeth – Tornado of Souls Guitar Solo Cover by Ozgur Turkekul. SUBSCRIBE 🤘 https://www.youtube.com/arayadis?sub_… 🤘 I wanted to play one of the best guitar solos in Metal music history(Marty Friedman). Skype Guitar Lessons with Ozz http://ozzguitar.com/skypegu… If you wanna see more videos like that check out my Best Guitar Solos & Songs playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Guitar: Hantug Custom Guitars – Titania Pre-Amp/Effects Processor: Axe-Fx Ultra DAW: Cubase 5 Camera&Lens:

The Aristocrats – Sweaty Knockers (Guthrie Govan) Guitar Cover

  The Aristocrats – Sweaty Knockers Guitar Cover SUBSCRIBE 🤘 https://www.youtube.com/arayadis?sub_… 🤘 Amazing unstable instrumental fusion-rock-blues… 🙂 song by The Aristocrats and sick guitar playing by Guthrie Govan. You can buy backing tacks from www.jamtrackcentral.com   If you wanna see more videos like that check out my Best Guitar Solos & Songs playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Guitar: Ibanez Premium 25th Anniversary Rg Electric Pre-Amp/Effects Processor: Axe-Fx Ultra DAW: Cubase 5 Cameras:

Liquid Tension Experiment – Universal Mind Lesson & Tab

  Liquid Tension Universal Mind Lesson With Tabs SUBSCRIBE 🤘 https://www.youtube.com/arayadis?sub_… 🤘   Skype Guitar Lessons with Ozz http://ozzguitar.com/skypegu…   I usually teach that song to my students and I saw Paul Davids’ “Learning a FAST John Petrucci shred (Impossible?)” video and in that video, Mateus Asato also was playing that part from different positions than the original track(https://youtu.be/V4MPukRE8mM). So, I just wanted to show you the original positions for

Liquid Tension Experiment – Acid Rain Unison Lesson

    Liquid Tension Experiment – Acid Rain Lesson With Tabs SUBSCRIBE 🤘 https://www.youtube.com/arayadis?sub_… 🤘 Skype Guitar Lessons with Ozz http://ozzguitar.com/skypegu… I usually teach that song to my students and I wanted to share with you Liquid Tension Experiment Acid Rain with tabs. This song will help you to improve your alternate picking technique and accuracy. Acid Rain Unison part is great for improving your picking technique because it has

Technical Difficulties, Satch Boogie, Scarified Trilogy (Live in Studio)

  Technical Difficulties – Satch Boogie – Scarified Trilogy (Live in Studio) SUBSCRIBE 🤘 https://www.youtube.com/arayadis?sub_… 🤘 Technical Difficulties and Scarifed by Paul Gilbert/Racer X Satch Boogie by Joe Satriani We played Paul Gilbert Technical Difficulties Studio version, Joe Satriani – Satch Boogie (from Satriani LIVE!), and Paul Gilbert – Scarified Space Ship Live versions in one take and this is the first year anniversary of shooting these videos. After the

Furious Yngwie Malmsteen Lick with Tabs (More is more:))

Furious Yngwie Malmsteen Lick with Tabs (More is more:)) SUBSCRIBE 🤘 https://www.youtube.com/arayadis?sub_… 🤘 Skype Guitar Lessons with Ozz http://ozzguitar.com/skypegu… https://www.instagram.com/ozgurturkek… https://www.facebook.com/OT.Guitar/ I usually teach that song to my students and I wanted to share with you the unison section of Yngwie Malmsteen – I’ll See The Light Tonight with tabs. It’s a great exercise that every level of guitarist can practice and improve their picking technique, speed, and accuracy. This